Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

For New Years we went to My Mom's house and spent the weekend. We played games and ate junk food. Shame on us. Carolyn ended up gaining back 7 pounds and I gained back 10. We then came home and got back on the diet wagon and lost what we had put on plus each of us has lost an additional pound. So Carolyn is at 58 pounds and I am at 56 pounds.

Here is a picture of Will and Jamie on new years outside during the fireworks.
Here is Michelle passing out fireworks.

Carolyn and the back side of Clairissa

Here is part of the family out watching the fireworks put on by the city.

Carolyn and the girls

Here I am with the girls. it was so cold! but it was colder in Cedar.

When I was growing up my parents had a tradition that on New Years night the New Years Fairy would come and leave a bowl of nuts on the table with change in it. She would also bring a toy or what ever. My parents used it to give the gifts that they had missplaced for Christmas and couldn't find on Christmas eve. Anyway, here is what we got from the New years Fairy. Carolyn and I gave each other a necklace and a ring that we had given each other another time and that the girls hadn't seen. The girls got books and a doll for Ellyce of TinkerBell. Loads of fun.


    Love your pictures of your family! You guys look GREAT!!! What a cute tradition on New Years! Tell your parents Hi from the Jones fam.!! Love ya! Lisa

  2. What a fun Tradition for New Years! I love hearing about things like that. You guys are looking great.
